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Social and Cultural Program
Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Jianhai Bao: Numerical Approximation of Invariant Measures for SDEs with Regime Switching
Lijun Bo: Optimal Investment in Defaultable Securities under Information Driven Default Contagion
Dayue Chen: Some Questions Concerning Random Walks on Trees in a Random Environment
Jinwen Chen: Quasi-stationarity and quasi-ergodicity of Markov processes
Zhen-Qing Chen: Scaling limits of interacting diffusions in domains
Tzuu-Shuh Chiang: Central Limit Theorem of Diffusion Processes with a Small Parameter in Discontinuous Media
Yun-Shyong Chow: Some recent results on evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games
Congzao Dong: Superprocesses over a Stochastic Flow with Spatially Dependent Branching
Shui Feng: Limit Theorems for the Frequency Counts of the Ewens-Pitman Model
Fuqing Gao: Laplace integrals for quadratic Wiener functionals and moderate deviations for parameter estimators
Fu-Zhou Gong: Comparison Theorems of Spectral Gaps of Schrodinger Operators and Diffusion Operators on Abstract Wiener Spaces
Xianping Guo: Continuous-time Markov decision processes with the finite horizon
Dong Han: Degree Distributions and the Critical Surface of Epidemic Spreading on a Random Growth Network
Hui He: Limit theory of pruning processes for Galton-Watson trees
Elton P. Hsu: Stochastic De Giorgi Iteration and Regularity of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Yaozhong Hu: Density convergence for some nonlinear Gaussian stationary sequences
Chunmao Huang: Law of Large Numbers for Some Markov Chains along non Homogenous Genealogies
Chii-Ruey Hwang: Variance reduction for diffusions
Yuh-Jia Lee: Ito Formula for Generalized White Noise Functionals, Revisted
Benchong Li: Markov Bases in Algebraic Statistics
Wei Li: First Passage of Fractional-Derivative Stochatic Systems with Power-Form Restoring Force
Xiang-Dong Li: On the generalized solution of the Navier-Stokes equations via optimal transportation
Quansheng Liu: Asymptotic properties of supercritical branching processes in random environments
Yong Liu: On the eigenfunctions of the complex Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators and applications
Yuanyuan Liu: Perturbation analysis for continuous-time Markov chains
Dejun Luo: Quasi-Invariance of the Stochastic Flow Associated to Ito's SDE with Singular Time-dependent Drift
Chunhua Ma: On the hitting times of continuous-state branching processes with immigration
Yanxia Ren: Limit Theorems for Some Critical Superprocesses
Jinghai Shao: Recurrent properties of regime-switching diffusions
Qi-Man Shao: Identifying the Limiting Distribution
Guangjun Shen: Weak convergence to the Rosenblatt sheet
Qingshuo Song: Convergence on the approximation of path-dependent functionals
Renming Song: Minimal thinness for Levy processes
Hua-Ming Wang: Birth and death process with bounded jumps in random environment
Jian Wang: Exponential Contractivity in the $L^p$-Wasserstein Distance for Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps
Yongjin Wang: On a Class of Skew Diffusion Processes
Bo Wu: Quasi-Regular Dirichlet Forms on Riemannian Loop Spaces
Jiang-Lun Wu: On the Path-independence of Girsanov Density for Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations
Xianyuan Wu: A New Lower Bound for the Threshold of the Random 3-SAT Model
Jie Xiong: A linear-quadratic optimal control problem of forward-backward stochastic differential equations with partial information
Litan Yan: Derivative for the intersection local time of fractional Brownian motions
Xu Yang: The pathwise uniqueness of solution to a SPDE driven by $\alpha$-stable noise
George Yin: Some results on certain stochastic predator-prey models
Chenggui Yuan: Hypercontractivity, Compactness, and Exponential Ergodicity for Functional Stochastic Differential Equations
Hanjun Zhang: Quasi-stationary Distributions and their Applications
Xicheng Zhang: Stochastic differential equations with Sobolev coefficients and applications
Xiaowen Zhou: Laplace transforms of occupation times for spectrally negative Levy processes