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Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Anyue Chen: Uniqueness and Extinction of Interacting Collision Branching Processes
Dayue Chen: Collisions of Random Walks
Jinwen Chen: Large Deviations for Non-Ergodic Markov Processe
Xia Chen: Brownian motions in a renormalized Poissonian potentials
Tzuu-Shuh Chiang: Asymptotic Expansion of Forward Equations with Double layers
Kwok Pui Choi: Limit Theorems for Functions of Marginal Quantiles
Yun-Shyong Chow: Some Results on Evolutionary Games
Jean-François Delmas: A Continuum-tree-valued Markov Process
Zhao Dong: Martingale Solutions and Markov Selection of Stochastic 3D-Navier-Stokes Equations with Jump
David Elworthy: Which Vector Fields on Path Spaces are Gradients?
Ming Fang: Consistent Minimal Displacement of Branching Random Walks
Shui Feng: Stochastic Dynamics associated with the Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution and the Dirichlet Process
Fuqing Gao: Large Deviations under Sublinear Expectations
Fuzhou Gong : Insider Trading in the Market With Rational Expected Price
Arnaud Guillin: Convergence to Equilibrium of Markov Processes and Functional Inequalities via Lyapunov Conditions
Xian-Ping Guo: Constrained Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes in Polish Spaces
Hui He : Pruning Galton-Watson Trees and Tree-Valued Markov Processes
Yaozhong Hu: Central Limit Theorem for the Brownian Local Time In L_p Space
Chii-Ruey Hwang: On the Optimal Transition Matrix for MCMC Sampling
Yeh Lam: The Geometric Process Maintenance Model
Junping Li: Decay Property of Markov Branching Processes with Immigration and Disaster
Quansheng Liu: Moments, Moderate and Large Deviations for a Branching Process in a Random Environment
Yong Liu: The Green-Kubo Formula for General Markov Processes with Continuous Time Parameter
Dejun Luo: Stochastic differential equations with Sobolev coefficients
Yutao Ma: Transportation-Information Inequalities for Continuum Gibbs Measures
Xuerong Mao: Almost Sure Exponential Stability of Numerical Methods for Hybrid Stochastic Differential Equations
Zhongmin Qian: Some Results for Navier-Stokes Equations
Renming Song: Two-sided estimate on the Green functions of Subordinate Brownian motions in bounded open sets
Yanhong Song: The Relationship Between Spectral Gap and Spectral Radius of Discrete Time Markov Chains
Karl-Theodor Sturm: Particle Approximation to the Wasserstein Diffusion
Huaming Wang: Branching Structure for an (L-1) Random Walk in Random Environment and its Applications
Jianglun Wu: Burgers-KPZ type PDEs characterising the path-independent property of the density of the Girsanov transformation for SDEs
Liming Wu: Continuous Gas: from Malliavin to Gibbs
Xianyuan Wu: Phase Transition on The Degree Sequence of a Random Graph Process with Vertex Copying and Deletion
Fubao Xi: Weakly Coupled Levy Type Operators and Switched Levy Type Processes
Yiming Xiao: Critical Brownian sheet does not have double points
Chenggui Yuan: Stability in Distribution of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Tusheng Zhang: Stochastic partial differential equations with reflection
Huaizhong Zhao: Random Periodic Solutions