Map and Traffic Informations
Social and Cultural Program
Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Dayue Chen: The motion of a tagged particle in the simple exclusion process
Xia Chen: The limit law of the iterated logarithm
Zhen-Qing Chen: An interacting diffusion model and its hydrodynamic limit
Tzuu-Shuh Chiang: Asymptotic normality of occupation time of singularly perturbed diffusion processes
Yun-Shyong Chow: Some results on evolutionary 2 x 2 asymmetric games
Zhao Dong: Malliavin matrix of degenerate PDE and gradient estimates
Xiaoming Fan: Estimates of the blowup time for a stochastic semilinear wave equation with white noise
Shui Feng: Derrida's Random Energy Model and Large Deviations
Xiaping Guo: Minimizing risk probability in semi-Markov decision processes
Hui He: Pruning of CRT-sub-trees
Yaozhong Hu: A multiparameter Garsia-Rodemich-Rumsey inequality and some applications
Yuh-Jia Lee: The Heisenberg inequality on abstract Wiener spaces
Junping Li: n-Type Markov branching processes with immigration
Xiangdong Li: Optimal transport, Fokker-Planck diffusion and Perelman's Ricci flow
Yong Liu: On time regularity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equation driven by Levy noise in Hilbert spaces
Yuanyuan Liu: The deviation matrix, Poisson’s equation, and quasi-birth-death processes
Dejun Luo: The fundamental gap conjecture: a probabilistic approach via the coupling by reflection
Shunlong Luo: Quantum non-Markovianity
Zhi-Ming Ma: q-Processes in modeling coalescent with recombination
Yanxia Ren: The backbone decomposition for spatially dependent supercritical superprocesses
Jinghai Shao: Strong ergodicity of the regime-switching diffusion processes
Renming Song: Dirichlet heat kernel estimates for rotationally symmetric Levy processes
Hua-Ming Wang: On total progeny of multitype Galton-Watson process and the first passage time of random walk on lattice
Jian Wang: Weighted poincare inequalities for nonlocal Dirichlet forms
Jieming Wang: Laplacian perturbed by non-local operator
Bo Wu: Some problems on Riemannian path and loop spaces
Jiang-Lun Wu: Maximum principles for parabolic Waldenfels operators
Xianyuan Wu: Small world principle of the real-world networks
Fubao Xi: Stability and instability for switching jump-diffusion processes
Yimin Xiao: Brownian motion and thermal capacity
Jie Xiong: Some nonlinear SPDEs from measures valued processes
Chenggui Yuan: Exponential mixing for retarded stochastic differential equations
Tusheng Zhang: Strong approximations of reflected SDEs in a multidimensional general domain
Xicheng Zhang: Heat kernels and analyticity of non-symmetric Levy diffusion semigroups
Huaizhong Zhao: BDSDEs with polynomial growth coefficients
Lianwen Zhao: The central limit theorems for Markov processes
Xiaowen Zhou: Support properties of $\Lambda$-Fleming-Viot processes with Brownian spatial motion}