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Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate for a jump-type CIR process
Branching Brownian motion with absorption
The stable Levy forest is the scaling limit of multitype Galton-Watson forests
The favorite sites of subdiffusive biased walks on a Galton-Watson tree
What is known about stability rate?
Large deviation of empirical distribution of branching random walk (I): Schroder case
Scaling the Symbiotic Branching Model
Decomposition of Levy trees along their diameter
Skeletal stochastic differential equations for continuous-state branching process
Continuous-state branching processes, extremal processes and super-individuals
Branching processes with interactions, and their relation to population genetics
Branching Brownian motion and the Ebert-Van Saarloos expansion
Gromov-Hausdorff-Prokhorov convergence of vertex cut-trees of $n$-leaf Galton-Watson trees
On the transience and recurrence for the Lamperti's random walk on Galton-Watson trees
Moments of continuous-state branching processes with or without immigration
Alpha-CIR model with branching processes in sovereign interest rate modelling
The Coalescent Structure of Continuous-Time Galton-Watson trees
The mass of super-Brownian motion upon exiting balls and Sheu's compact support condition
Ergodicity properties of 2-parameter Markov collision processes with resurrection
A continuous-state polynomial branching process
A note on transition densities and coupling for CBI processes
Stationarity and quasi-stationarity for birth-death processes
On the zero set of super-Brownian motion
Interfaces in the symbiotic branching model
Continuous state branching processes with immigration in random environment
Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate of an $\alpha$-stable CIR process
Extinction time for continuous state branching processes with competition in a Levy random environment
The non-degenerate limit for supercritical superprocesses
Branching random walk in Pareto random environment
Asymptotic behaviour of exponential functionals of Levy processes with applications to random processes in random environment
Large deviation principle for critical branching random walk with small drift
Harmonic moments and large deviations for supercritical branching processes with immigration
Branching Brownian Motion with catalytic branching at the origin
Continuum inhomogeneous random graphs: Construction and fractal dimensions
A branching particle system approximation for a class of FBSDEs
Spine decomposition and $L\log L$ criterion for superprocesses with non-local branching mechanisms
Some convergence results related to a stable branching random walk
The speed of a branching system of $(L,1)$ random walks in random environment
A continuous state nonlinear branching process