
学术报告 2024-06-19
学术报告 2024-06-06
学术报告 2024-05-30
学术报告 2024-05-29
学术报告 2024-05-23
学术报告 2024-05-22
学术报告 2024-05-15
学术报告 2024-05-08
学术报告 2024-05-03
学术报告 2024-04-30
学术报告 2024-04-25
学术报告 2024-04-17
学术报告 2024-04-09
学术报告 2024-04-03
学术报告 2024-03-29
学术报告 2024-03-27
学术报告 2024-03-25
学术报告 2024-03-20
学术报告 2024-03-14
学术报告 2024-03-12
学术报告 2024-03-07
学术报告 2024-03-06
学术报告 2023-12-28
学术报告 2023-12-18
学术报告 2023-12-14
学术报告 2023-12-13
学术报告 2023-12-06
学术报告 2023-11-30
学术报告 2023-11-29
学术报告 2023-11-23
学术报告 2023-11-15
学术报告 2023-11-08
学术报告 2023-11-07
学术报告 2023-11-01
学术报告 2023-10-25
学术报告 2023-10-19
学术报告 2023-10-11
学术报告 2023-09-27
学术报告 2023-09-20
学术报告 2023-09-13
学术报告 2023-09-06
学术报告 2023-08-07~-08-13
学术报告 2023-07-31~-08-06
Zudi Lu:Generalising Dynamic Semiparametric Averaging Forecasting for Time Series with Discrete-valued Response 2023-08-10
Yongyao Li:Quantum droplets and vortices-(II) 2023-08-08
Yongyao Li:Quantum droplets and vortices-(I) 2023-08-08
Wen-Xiu Ma:Nonlocal integrable systems and related Riemann-Hilbert problems 2023-08-07
Yurii:Modern methods for Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems 2023-08-03
Yurii:Universality, the new trend in development of Optimization Schemes 2023-08-03
周道国:Some new regularity results for the Navier-Stokes equations 2023-07-31
Zheng Xia:单细胞分辨率细胞空间关系重构 2023-07-28
Zheng Xia:Supervised learning of phenotype-associated subpopulations from millions of cells 2023-07-28
Kin Yau (Alex) Wong:Robust score tests with incomplete covariates and high-dimensional auxiliary variables 2023-07-27
David Hansen:Classical and categorical local Langlands correspondences 2023-07-27
David Hansen:Classical and categorical local Langlands correspondences 2023-07-25
杨李扬:Subconvexity and Quantitative Nonvanishing of Rankin-Selberg L-functions for GL(n+1) GL(n) 2023-07-24
李明华:非凸函数的误差界理论及在下降算法收敛率中的应用 2023-07-14
Pang Du:Yaglom-type limits for branching Brownian motion with absorption in the slightly subcritical regime 2023-07-12
Pang Du:Reliability Study of Battery Lives: A Functional Degradation Analysis Approach 2023-07-07
Tianyang Hu:Towards a Statistical Understanding of Neural Network Classifiers 2023-07-07
易泰山:Global dynamics of evolution systems with asymptotic annihilation 2023-07-05
乔建永:Yang-Lee零点与复动力系统 2023-07-05
段金桥:A Joyful Journey in Random Dynamical Systems 2023-06-30
Christian Léonard:Optimistic Estimate for Nonlinear Regression 2023-06-30
Yaoyu Zhang:Optimistic Estimate for Nonlinear Regression 2023-06-28
樊军:Learning functionals using deep ReLU networks 2023-06-27
Zaifu Yang:Learning Before Testing: A Selective Nonparametric Test for Conditional Moment Restrictions 2023-06-27
刘彦麟:The global stability of large Fourier mode for 3-D Navier-Stokes equations in the cylindrical coordinates (II) 2023-06-24
蔡剑锋:A Unified Framework for Non-Convex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Problems 2023-06-20
廖志鹏:Learning Before Testing: A Selective Nonparametric Test for Conditional Moment Restrictions 2023-06-20
夏应存:Ensemble Projection Pursuit for General Nonparametric Regression 2023-06-19
Louis Sharrock:Parameter Estimation for the McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Differential Equation 2023-06-16
Yong Chen:Do Investors Care About Tail Risk? Evidence from Mutual Fund Flows 2023-06-19
王克磊:Stable and finite Morse index solutions of Allen-Cahn equation 2023-06-13
李国栋:Modeling complex time series with tensor techniques 2023-06-13
顾陈琳:An iterative algorithm for Dirichlet problem with random conductance 2023-06-09
Antoine Dahlqvist:Large N limit of 2D gauge theories 2023-06-07
陈霖:Recent Progress on Multipartite Entanglement Detection and Faithful Coherence 2023-06-06
Le Wang:Generalized Intergenerational Mobility Regression 2023-06-06
宋晓军:On smooth tests for the equality of distributions 2023-06-05
凌舒扬:Near-optimal Spectral Methods in Community Detection, Object Matching, and Statistical Ranking 2023-05-27
叶颀:Machine Learning in Banach Spaces: A Black-box or White-box Method? 2023-05-27
杨建斌:Approximation from Noisy Data 2023-05-27
王宇光:Applied Harmonic Analysis and Particle Dynamics for Designing Neural Message Passing on Graphs 2023-05-27
陈鹏:A Refined Lindeberg Principle and Its Applications 2023-05-26
陈艳萍:Jump and variational inequalities for some operators with rough kernel 2023-05-26
葛颢:Sample-path large deviation and microcanonical variational principle for a 2-d stochastic point-vortex dynamics 2023-05-24
庄額嘉:Testing for Weighted Functional Inequalities with Estimated Weights 2023-05-23
应益明:Interplay between Statistics and Computation in Machine Learning 2023-05-23
骆威:A unified generalization of inverse regression via adaptive column selection 2023-05-22
Lexing Ying:Some Mathematical Aspects of Deep Learning and Stochastic Gradient Descent 2023-05-22
焦雨领:Theoretical study on deep learning: approximation, generalization and generation 2023-05-19
Ruli Gao:Study tumor evolution and therapeutic responses with single cell sequencing approaches 2023-05-18
邹国华:Robust Mallows-type model averaging approach 2023-05-17
周斌:Singular Abreu equations and linearized Monge-Ampère equations with drifts 2023-05-17
林乾:过拟合神经网络的泛化能力 2023-05-15
Mario Maurelli:No blow-up by nonlinear Ito noise for the Euler equations 2023-05-15
成灵妍:A new algorithm for approximation of stochastic differential equations via jump processes 2023-05-12
Pavlos Tsatsoulis:Gradient-type estimates for the dynamic -model 2023-05-10
郭昕:Convergence of Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithms in Hilbert Spaces 2023-05-09
Hao Cheng:Fractional Imputation Algorithms in Quantile Regression 2023-05-08
焦雨领:Stochastic Interpolations, Lipschitz Mass Transportation and Generative Learning 2023-05-07
胡婷:Pairwise Learning Problems with Regularization Networks and Nystrom Subsampling Approach 2023-05-07
高文武:Quasi-interpolation for Data Mining 2023-05-07
成诚:Graph Filters on Spatially Distributed Networks 2023-05-07
胡耀忠:Mean-field super-brownian motions 2023-05-05
Xiaoxia Shi:Testing Inequalities Linear in Nuisance Parameters 2023-05-04
Willem Van Zuijlen:Anderson Hamiltonians with singular potentials 2023-05-03
Xiaojun Tian:Cracking the complexity of circuit-host interactions to design robust and predictable gene circuits 2023-04-28
张登:Multi solitary waves to stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations 2023-04-28
宋健:Stochastic fractional diffusion equations with Gaussian noise rough in space 2023-04-26
陈丽:Convergence in probability from moderate interacting SDE system to degenerate Keller-Segel system 2023-04-25
许惟钧:路径的 signature 变换及其反问题 2023-04-21
Francesco De Vecchi:A differential characterization of exponential quantum field theory on the plane 2023-04-19
张登:Sharp non-uniqueness for the 3D hyperdissipative Navier-Stokes equations: above the Lions exponent 2023-04-12
钱忠民:Stochastic methods in computational fluid dynamics and turbulence 2023-04-07/14
张登:Recent results on multi-bubble blow-ups and multi-solitons to stochastic nonlinear Schrodinger equations 2023-04-07
Sandra Cerrai:Stochastic wave equations with constraints: well-posedness and Smoluchowski-Kramers approximation 2023-04-05
陈昕:Heat kernel estimates for Schodinger operators 2023-03-31
吴璇 :The scaling limit of the KPZ equation 2023-03-29
刘伟 :Some recent results on mean field interacting particle systems and McKean-Vlasov equations 2023-03-27
罗德军:Some recent results on regularization by transport noise for fluid dynamical models 2023-03-24
Umberto Pappalettera :Convex integration and transport noise in 3D fluid dynamics 2023-03-22
吴昊:Connection probabilities for 2D critical lattice models 2023-03-17
雷理骅:Learning from a Biased Sample 2023-03-16
张奇:The Fully Nonlinear Feynman-Kac Formula for Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation 2023-03-15
肖益民:Analysis of Gaussian Random Fields and SPDEs 2023-03-12
李向东:On W-entropy formulas for Langevin deformations over Wasserstein space 2023-03-10
Rhys Steele:BPHZ Renormalisation in Regularity Structures via Spectral Gap 2023-03-08
顾陈琳:Smoothness of the diffusion coefficients for particle systems in continuous space 2023-03-08
施展:随机串并联图上的距离 2023-03-03
吴昊:Connection probabilities for random-cluster model and uniform spanning tree 2023-03-01
陈木法:华罗庚经济优化理论与马氏链 2023-02-22
陈昕昕:Domain of attraction of the fixed points of BBM 2023-02-20
解龙杰:Multiscale stochastic systems with irregular coefficients2023-02-20
程丽娟:Some inequalities on Riemannian manifolds linking Entropy Fisher 2022-12-30
徐礼虎:A probability approximation framework and its applications 2022-12-30
张希承:Second order fractional mean-field SDEs with singular kernels and measure initial datas 2022-12-30
王振富:Mean Field Limit of Interacting Particle Systems with Singular Kernels 2022-12-20/23/27/30

