Zenghu Li

A compact and rigorous treatment of Dawson--Watanabe superprocesses and immigration superprocesses is given in the book at the level readable for graduate students. For the convenience of reference, special attention has been paid to the generality of the framework. The basic regularities of the models are established to develop a reasonably rich theory.

In the first part of the book, the author not only constructs the transition semigroups of the superprocesses with Borel right spatial motions and general branching mechanisms, but also proves the existence of their Borel right realizations. Based on the general existence and regularity results, he uses transformations to derive the existence and regularity of several different classes of superprocesses, including those in spaces of tempered measures, multitype models, age-structured models and time-inhomogeneous models. This unified treatment of the models simplifies their constructions and gives useful perspectives for their properties. The first part also contains two chapters discussing respectively one-dimensional branching processes and limit theorems of branching particle systems, which give necessary interpretations and intuitions of the superprocesses. Martingale problems of superprocesses are discussed under Feller type assumptions.

In the second and third parts of the book, the author gives systematic treatments of immigration superprocesses and generalized Ornstein--Uhlenbeck processes based on skew convolution semigroups. The connection of those two classes of processes is established by certain fluctuation limit theorems. A brief account is also given to state-dependent immigration involving a class of stochastic integral equations. Those materials are not available in any other books on superprocesses.

Some chapters of the book lean on the general theory of Markov processes. A summary of that is given in the Appendix for the convenience of the reader. In the last section of each chapter, comments on the history and recent developments are given. Those guide the reader to the frontiers of the ongoing research.

This book was published by Springer in 2011. Click here to go to the publisher¡¯s page.

Click here for a review in MathSciNet (AMS), here for a remark on Chapter Ten, and here for a list of corrections.




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