Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Tianyi Bai : Intersection equivalence for sum of fractal percolations
Jianhai Bao : Exponential contractivity of modified EM schemes for SDEs with partial dissipativity
Lijun Bo : Optimal Inventory Control with State Dependent Jumps
Lung-Chi Chen : Asymptotic behavior of a generalized independent sets model on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket
Mu-Fa Chen : Opening-WMPRT-2024
Shukai Chen : Exponential ergodicity of cbire-processes with competition and catastrophes
Xia Chen : Hyperbolic Anderson equations with general time-independent Gaussian noise: Stratonovich regime
Xin Chen : Quenched local limit theorem for random conductance models with long-range jumps
Xinxin Chen : Precise large deviation of level sets of branching Brownian motion
Lijuan Cheng : Probability Versions of Li-Yau Type Inequalities and Applications
Mengyu Cheng : The averaging principle for sde with singular drift
Yuki Chino : Random walk in cooling random environment
Michael C.H. Choi : A rate-distortion framework for MCMC algorithms: geometry and factorization of multivariate Markov chainss
Xiliang Fan : Distribution dependent SDEs with fractional noises
Zherui Fan : Polynomial lower bound on the effective resistance for the one-dimensional critical long-range percolation
Fuqing Gao : Fluctuations and moderate deviations for a binary collision model
Junyi Guo : Monotone mean-variance criterion and its application in risk theory
Zimo Hao : Singular kinetic McKean-Vlasov SDEs
Hui He : Brownian CRTs conditioned to be large
Ching-Wei Ho : Heat flow on random polynomials
Yaozhong Hu : Convergence to Gamma density of some functionals of Gaussian processes
Jinyu Huang : Stochastic heat equation with super-linear drift and multiplicative noise on ${R}^d$
Xing Huang : Log-Harnack Inequality and Bismut Formula for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Singularities in all Variables
Jianping Jiang : Particle masses in the near-critical Ising model
Kyung-Youn Kim: Heat kernel estimates for non-local operator with singular jump in C1,1 open set
Panki Kim : Markov processes with jump kernels decaying at the boundary
Cheuk Yin Lee : Local times of anisotropic Gaussian random fields and stochastic heat equation
Deli Li : Divergence criteria for a class of random series related to the partial sums of I.I.D. random variables
Juan Li : Path-dependent controlled Mean-Field coupled forward-backward SDEs. The associated stochastic maximum principle
Pei-Sen Li : Scaling limits and phase transitions of a fragmentation-coalescence process
Xiangdong Li : Curvature-dimension condition, entropy diffrential inequalities and rigidity theorems
Xiaoyue Li : Numerical approximations for McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations in finite and infinite time
Wei Liu(WHU) : The Multi-Valued McKean-Vlasov Stochastic Differential Equations With Jumps
Yong Liu : Some new results on (complex) wiener-it\^o integrals
Yuanyuan Liu : Ergodic control of singularly perturbed Markov processes with a general state space
Xuhui Peng : Ergodicity for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with a degenerate pure jump noise
Fei Pu : Lower bound on spatial asymptotic of parabolic Anderson model with narrow wedge initial condition
Yanqi Qiu : Harmonic analysis of Mandelbrot Cascades
Panpan Ren : Extrinsic Derivative Formula for Distribution Dependent SDEs
Quan Shi : Time-changed Levy processes starting from infinity
Yongsheng Song : The strong law of large numbers and ergodicity under sublinear expectations
Yulin Song : Regularities of Distribution Dependent SDEs
Mingyang Sun : Conditional limits for critical branching random walks in a varying environment
Xiaobin Sun : Time-dependent Poisson Equation and Application to Nonautonomous Multi-Scale SDEs
Bin Tang : The mixing and dissipation enhancement by transport noise
Huaming Wang : Times of a branching process with immigration in varying environments attaining fixed levels
Jie-Ming Wang : Dirichlet heat kernel estimates of subordinate diffusion processes with diffusive components in C 1,α open sets
Ran Wang : Analysis of the gradient for the stochastic fractional heat equation with spatially-colored noise
Tao Wang : Eigenvalue criteria and Lyapunov function sequences for super Poincar\'e inequalities
Qingda Wei : Nonzero-Sum Discrete-Time Constrained Stochastic Games
Bingyao Wu : Wasserstein Convergence Rates for Empirical Measures of Random Subsequence of $\{n\alpha\}$
Bo Wu :

Functional inequalities on Gaussian path spaces

Liming Wu : Quasi-stationary distribution inside a domain for strong-Feller Markov processes
Jing Wu : On Mckean-Vlasov stochastic variational inequalities with irregular coefficients
Weina Wu : Stochastic generalized porous media equations arising in self-organized criticality
Xian-Yuan Wu : A Blocking Action against Intelligence Decreasing: Characterising the Minimum-Entropy Couplings
Fubao Xi : Successful couplings for switching diffusion systems with past-dependent switching
Zigeng Xia : The interpretability of deep neural networks based on renormalization group
Xuyan Xiang : Dentifying the generator matrix of a stationary Markov chain using partially observable data
Hui Xiao : Conditioned random walks on linear groups: construction of the target harmonic measure
Xu Yang : The extinction behavior for a stochastic lotka–volterra type population system with competition
Dong Yao: Polya urns with graph-based interactions
Chenggui Yuan : Long Time Propagation of Chaos for mean-field SDEs
Jianliang Zhai : Some Recent Progress in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Driven by Pure Jump Levy Noise
Deng Zhang : The three dimensional stochastic Zakharov system
Junyu Zhang : Nonstationary discounted decentralized stochastic games under prospect theory with applications to the smart grid
Rui Zhang: On properties of the limits of Biggins' martingales of the branching Levy processes
Tusheng Zhang : Metastability of Random Dynamical Systems
Xiaolong Zhang : Wρ-convergence rate of Euler-Maruyama schemes for SDEs driven by supercritical α-stable processes
Xiaoyue Zhang: Minimal position of branching random walks in random environment: critical case
Yi Zhang: On absorbing Markov decision processe
Guoli Zhou : Global existence and uniqueness of pathwise solution to the stochastic 3D inviscid Burgers equations
Ming Zhou : Optimal consumption-leisure-investment and retirement choices with non-concave aspirational utility
Xiaowen Zhou : Speeds of coming down from infinity for Λ-Fleming-Viot supports
Chao Zhu : Optimal Harvesting Problems with Mean Field Interactions