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Lectures: (in order of the family name)
Jianhai Bao Convergence rate of EM algorithm for SDEs hunder integrability condition
Dayue Chen Limit theorems for the tagged particle in exclusion processes on regular trees
Mu-Fa Chen Reconstructing the Sanxian's Music Score by a Birth-Death Matrix
Xia Chen Parabolic Anderson models —large scale asymptotics
Xin Chen Homogenization of symmetric stable-like processes in ergodic media
Zengjing Chen Central Limit Theorems for Sets of Probability Measures
Zhiwen Cheng Variational principles for non-symmetric markov chains
Michael Choi Accelerated simulated annealing with fast cooling
Changsong Deng Asymptotic formulas for the heat kernels of space and time fractional equations
Zhao Dong Large deviation principles for first-order scalar conservation laws with stochastic forcing
Rongjuan Fang

Continuous-state branching processes in temporally varying environments

Shui Feng Bayesian nonparametric analysis of kingman’s coalescent
Fuqing Gao Moderate deviations for linear statistics of β-ensembles
Niushan Gao On switching probability measures
Hui He Lower deviation and moderate deviation probabilities for maximum of a branching random walk
Xiaomeng Jiang Affine periodic solutions in distribution of stochastic differential equations
Yong Jiao Recent advances on the theory of noncommutative differential subordinate martingale
Panki Kim Heat kernel estimates for symmetric jump processes with general mixed polynomial growths
Guangqiang Lan Exponential stability of exact solution and Stochastic theta method for a kind of stochastic Volterra intergro-differential equations
Heyu Li Precise moment asymptotics for the stochastic parabolic Anderson model of a time-derivative Gaussian noise
Junping Li Large deviation rates for branching processes
Xiangdong Li On Shannon entropy power Inequality on Riemannian manifolds and super Ricci flows
Yueshuang Li Improved global algorithms for maximal eigenpair
Yuqiang Li Deviations on record numbers of simple random walks
Zenghu Li Ergodicities and exponential ergodicities of branching processes with immigration
Song Liang A mechanical model of brownian motion including low energy light particles
Wei Liu Long-time behaviors of mean-field interacting particle systems related to McKean-Vlasov equation
Yuanyuan Liu On geometric and algebraic transience for block-structured Markov chains
Zhenxin Liu The limit distribution of inhomogeneous Markov processes and  Kolmogorov's problem
Yonghua Mao The hitting times for Markov chains
Michael Roeckner The evolution to equilibrium of solutions to nonlinear Fokker--Planck equations
Jinghai Shao

The existence of optimal control for continuous-time markov decision processes in random environments

Wei Sun The three-dimensional gaussian product inequality
Chia-Li Wang Queueing Networks with Interchangeable, Cooperative Servers
Jian Wang Heat kernel estimates for symmetric pure jump Dirichlet forms
Dongsheng Wu Weak convergence of martingales and its application to nonlinear cointegrating regression model
Liming Wu Transportation-information inequality for discrete time Markov chains
Mingyan Wu Schauder's estimate for nonlocal equations with singular L'evy measuress
Xian-Yuan Wu On a law of large number for last passage percolation on complete graph
Fubao Xi Regime-switching jump diffusions with non-lipschitz coefficients and countably many switching states
Aihua Xia On moderate deviations in poisson approximation
Yimin Xiao Fractal Dimension Results for L'evy and L'evy-Type Processes
Litan Yan Principal values of some integral functionals of fractional Brownian motion
Xu Yang On the extionction-extinguishing for a stochastic lotka-volterra type population dynamical system
Chenggui Yuan Stability of regime-switching processes under perturbation of transition rate matrices
Jianliang Zhai Well-posedness and large deviations for 2-D Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations driven by multiplicative L evy noise
Shuxiong Zhang Moderate deviation probabilities for empirical distribution of the branching random walk
Tusheng Zhang Quadratic transportation cost inequalities under uniform distance for stochastic reaction diffusion equations driven by multiplicative space-time white noise
Xiaoyue Zhang Asymptotic behaviour of heavy-tailed branching processes in random environments
Xicheng Zhang Stochastic lagrangian path for leray solutions of 3-d navier-stokes equations
Huaizhong Zhao Existence of geometric ergodic periodic measures of stochastic differential equations
Yiqiang Zhao ε-Nash equilibrium for jsq models