
[1] Uniqueness, recurrence and integral-type functionals for birth-death processes on trees, 2023. With WANG Jing and YAN Yanyan.

[2] Criteria for three classical problems of downwardly skip-free processes, 2023. With MAO Yonghua and YAN Yanyan.

[3] Quai-stationary distribution for the explosive single-birth process, 2023. With FANG Zhekang and MAO Yonghua.

[4] Stability of jump processes with uniformly finite range upward, 2024. With YAN Yanyan and ZHAO Yi.

[5] 带一般边界的非跨跳过程的稳定性, 2024. 与赵奕合作.

[6] On distributions of integral-type functionals for downwardly skip-free processes, 2024. With ZHAO Yi.

[7] Stochastic (quasi-)stability for linear aotoregresion model with Gaussian innovations, 2024. With CHEN Yu, MAO Yonghua and WANG Lingdi.

[8] Stability of skip free processes on a finite state space, 2024. With LI Yueshuang and MAO Yonghua.
