Welcome to Yu-Hui Zhang's Home Page.                   ÖÐÎÄ°æ

Address  School of of Mathematical Sciences
Beijing Normal University  
Beijing, 100875
People's Republic of China  
Phone (0086-10) 62209447
Email   zhangyh@bnu.edu.cn


1990 BSc Peking University

1993 MSc Beijing Normal University

1996 DSc Beijing Normal University 

Research interests


  1. The conservativity of coupling jump processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 1994, 30(3), 305-307. (in Chinese)

  2. Construction of order-preserving coupling for one-dimensional Markov chains, Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Stat., 1996, 12(4): 376-382. (in Chinese)

  3. The optimal Markovian couplings for a specific type of distance, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 1996, 32(4): 463-467. (in Chinese)

  4. A problem on the uniqueness of jump processes, Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Stat., 1998, 14(1): 45-48. (in Chinese)

  5. A supplement to "Construction of order-preserving coupling for one-dimensional Markov chains", J. Beijing Normal Univ., 1998, 34(1): 49-50. (in Chinese)

  6. Regularity of Q-matrices being linear combinations of two regular Q-matrices, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 1998, 34(3): 292-296. (in Chinese)

  7. Sufficient and necessary conditions for stochastic comparability of jump processes, Acta Math. Sin., 2000, 43(6): 965-968 (Chinese Edition); 2000, 16(1): 99-102 (English Edition).

  8. Stochastic comparability of the minimal q-processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2000, 36(2): 156-158. (in Chinese)

  9. Strong ergodicity for single birth processes, J. Appl. Probab., 2001, 38(1): 270-277.

  10. On variation in birth-death processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2001, 37(2): 143-146. (in Chinese)

  11. F-Sobolev inequality for general symmetric forms, Northeast. Math. J., 2003, 19(2): 133-138. With WANG Feng.

  12. Moments of the first hitting time for single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2003, 39(4): 430-434. (in Chinese)

  13. Dual variational formulas for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue on half-line, Science in China, 2003, 33(4): 371-383 (Chinese Edition); 2003, 46(6): 847-861 (English Edition). With CHEN Mu-Fa and ZHAO Xiao-Liang.

  14. The hitting time and stationary distribution for single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2004, 40(2): 157-161. (in Chinese)

  15. Exponential ergodicity for single birth processes, J. Appl. Probab., 2004, 41(4): 1022-1032. With MAO Yong-Hua.

  16. One dimensional Brusselator model, Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Stat., 2005, 21(3): 225-234. (in Chinese) With WU Bo.

  17. A property of one-dimensional Brusselator model, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2005, 41(6): 575-577. (in Chinese) With WU Bo.

  18. Some single birth Q-matrices (I), J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2006, 42(2): 111-115. (in Chinese) With ZHAO Qian-Qian.

  19. A class of multidimensional Q-processes, J. Applied Prob., 2007, 44(1): 226-237. With WU Bo.

  20. Ergodicity of a class of single death processes, Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Stat., 2007, 23(4): 377-383. (in Chinese)

  21. Estimate of the constant of the generalized Latala-Oleszkiewicz inequality, Advances in Mathmatics (China), 2007, 36(6): 672-678 (in Chinese). With ZHANG Li-Hua.

  22. Some single birth Q-matrices (II), J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2008, 44(1): 4-8 (in Chinese). With ZHAO Qian-Qian.

  23. A note on exponential ergodicity and $\ell$-ergodicity of single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2010, 46(1): 1-5. (in Chinese)

  24. Single birth processes with immigration, Acta Math. Sin. (Chinese Series), 2010, 53(5): 833-846 (in Chinese). With ZHAO Qian-Qian.

  25. A class of single birth Q-matrices with some proportional death rates for neighbor states, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2010, 46(6): 651-656 (in Chinese).

  26. Birth-death-catastrophe type single birth Q-matrices, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2011, 47(4): 347-350. (in Chinese)

  27. Estimation of the eigenvalue for the birth and death process with bilateral absorbing boundaries, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2012, 48(3): 225-230. (in Chinese) With ZHANG Chi.

  28. Mixed principal eigenvalues in dimension one, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2013, 8(2): 317-343. With CHEN Mufa and WANG Lingdi.

  29. The first Dirichlet eigenvalue of birth-death process on trees, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2013, 83(9): 1973-1982. With WANG Lingdi.

  30. Expressions on moments of hitting time for single birth process in infinite and finite space, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2013, 49(5): 445-452. (in Chinese)

  31. A generalization of Dobrushin coefficient, Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Stat., 2013, 29(5): 489-494. With MAO Yonghua and ZHAMG Ming.

  32. Criteria for zero-exit (-entrance) of single-birth (-death) Q-matrices, Acta Math. Sin. (Chinese Series), 2014, 57(4): 681-692. (in Chinese) With WANG Lingdi.

  33. Unified representation of formulas for single birth processes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2014, 9(4): 761-796. With CHEN Mufa.

  34. Explicit criteria on separation cutoff for birth and death chains, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2014, 9(4): 881-898. With MAO Yonghua.

  35. Dual approach and its applications in related problems with uniqueness of Q-processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2014, 50(4): 339-345. (in Chinese)

  36. Mixed eigenvalues of discrete p-Laplacian, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2014, 9(6): 1261-1292. With CHEN Mufa and WANG Lingdi.

  37. Mixed eigenvalues of p-Laplacian, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2015, 10(2): 249-274. With CHEN Mufa and WANG Lingdi.

  38. Central limit theorems for ergodic continuous-time Markov chains with applications to single birth processes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2015, 10(4): 933-947. With LIU Yuanyuan.

  39. Some criteria on discrete time single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2015, 51(3): 227-235. (in Chinese) With BAI Jingjing, LI Peisen and ZHAO Pan.

  40. Separation cutoff for upward skip-free chains, J. Applied Prob., 2016, 53(1): 299-306. With MAO Yonghua and ZHANG Chi.

  41. A new representation of stationary distribution of single death processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2016, 52(2): 139-140. (in Chinese)

  42. Probabilistic meanings of numerical characteristics for single birth processes, Chinese J. Applied Prob. Stat., 2016, 32(5): 452-462. With LIAO Zhongwei and WANG Lingdi.

  43. Explicit representation for mean occupation times of minimal single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2017, 53(3): 258-262. (in Chinese)

  44. Convergence in total variation distance for (in)homogeneous Markov processes, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2018, 137: 54-62. With MAO Yonghua, XU Liping and ZHANG Ming.

  45. Criteria on ergodicity and strong ergodicity of single death processes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018, 13(5): 1215-1243.

  46. Probabilistic meanings for some numerical characteristics of single death processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2018, 54(6): 695-700. (in Chinese) With YAN Yanyan.

  47. Progress in single birth processes, Sci. Sin. Math., 2019, 49(3): 621-642. (in Chinese)

  48. Moments of first hitting times for birth-death processes on trees, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2019, 14(4): 833-854.

  49. High order moments of first hitting times for single death processes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2019, 14(5): 1037-1061. With ZHOU Xiaofeng.

  50. A criterion on separation cutoff for single-birth processes based on eigenvalues, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2019, 55(6): 677-682. (in Chinese) With MAO Yonghua and ZHANG Weiwei.

  51. On stability of single death processes, Sci. Sin. Math., 2020, 50(1): 211-230. (in Chinese)

  52. Moments of integral-type downward functionals for single death processes, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2020, 15(4): 749-768. With WANG Jing.

  53. Moments and distributions of integral-type functional for single birth processes, J. Beijing Normal Univ., 2020, 56(4): 493-499. (in Chinese) With WANG Jing.

  54. Integral-type functionals downward of single death processes, Chinese J. Applied Prob. Stat., 2020, 36(4): 393-414. (in Chinese) With WANG Jing.

  55. Some basic theory of single birth processes, Chinese J. Applied Prob. Stat., 2022, 38(3): 413-438. (in Chinese) With WANG Jing and YAN Yanyan.

  56. Additive functionals for discrete-timed single death chains, Acta Mathematica Sinica Chinese Series, 2022, 65(5): 797-818. (in Chinese) With TIAN Jiameng and WANG Jing.

  57. Criteria on recurrence and uniqueness of time-continuous Markov chains with uniformly finite range upward or downward, Scientia Sinica Mathematics, 2023, 53(11): 1437-1460. (in Chinese)

  58. Explicit representation of invarant measures for 2-death processes, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2024, 210: 110120. With ZHAO Yi.