Hui HE (何 辉)


School of Mathematical Sciences

Beijing Normal University

Beijing 100875 China

Email: hehui AT


My CV  


Publications and Preprints


研究兴趣/Research Interests

Branching processes; Galton-Watson and Levy trees; Measure-valued processes; Interacting particle systems; Branching random walks; Stochastic equations.


近期论文/ Recent Publications


1.  He, H. and Winkel, M. (2019): Gromov-Hausdorff-Prokhorov convergence of vertex cut-trees of n-leaf Galton-Watson trees.

Bernoulli Vol. 25, No. 3, 2301-2329. PDF


2.  Chen, X. and He, H. (2019): On large deviation probabilities for empirical distribution of super-critical branching random walks with unbounded displacements.

Probability Theory and Related Fields Vol. 175, No. 1-2, 255-307.  PDF


3.  Chen, X. and He, H. (2020): Lower deviation and moderate deviation probabilities for maximum of a branching random walk.

    Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Probabilites et Statistiques Vol. 56, No. 4, 2507-2539. PDF


4.  Abraham, R., Delmas, J.-F. and He, H. (2021): Some properties of stationary continuous state branching processes.

   Stochastic Processes and Their Applications Vol. 141, 309-343. PDF


5.  Abraham, R., Delmas, J.-F. and He, H. (2024): Brownian continuum random tree conditioned to be large.

Revised. PDF


6.  Broutin, N., He, H. and Wang, M (2023): Pruning, cutting trees and the reconstruction problem.

To appear in Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Probabilites et Statistiques. PDF


7.  Chen, X , He, H. and Mallein, B. (2023): Branching Brownian motion conditioned on small maximum.

ALEA Vol. 20, 905-940. PDF



合作人/My Coauthors: Romain Abraham; Jean-Francois Delmas; Hongwei Bi (毕洪伟); Nicolas Broutin; Xinxin Chen (陈昕昕); Zenghu Li (李增沪); Jingning Liu (刘婧凝)Nana Luan (栾娜娜); Rugang Ma(马儒刚); Bastien Mallein; Minmin Wang (王旼旼); Matthias Winkel; Wei Xu(徐伟); Xu Yang (杨叙); Mei Zhang (张梅) Xiaowen Zhou (周晓文).



Some links: 清北师概率Webinar; 随机数学研究中心; 报考我的研究生



Grants: The National Key R&D Program (No. 2020YFA0712900)NSFCNo.12271043.